Tired of waiting to buy legal cannabis in the Twin Cities? We can help you grow your own.


Top quality legal cannabis. Grown by you, with our help.

Private Gardening Service

Whether you started growing your own cannabis already, or want to start from scratch—we will help setup, guide you, and maintain your garden on a weekly basis.

Legal Cannabis Sooner than Later

Legal cannabis is not yet available to purchase in Minnesota. When dispensaries open, they will likely charge a premium—which adds up if you are a heavy user.

Prefabricated Hydroponic Systems

All you need is a small free space to grow organic, clean, and chemical free cannabis. What you get at the store is not always this high quality. Think about why you buy organic produce.

Invest Upfront & Reap the Benefits

Say you spend $100 on Cannabis per week, then you are spending about $5000 every year. Plus there is the time you spend to buy it (maybe you’re driving two states over).